Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

MagicSorceressTheQuestLightTigerTheTedsHereComesThePainBlackWidowguy-fawkesEvil ClownMedievCC746-Wicked-Jester-195x300TheEpicSadnessCoverZombieAndyHungryGunGirlKermitWriterJollyRogerAndyCrimeSceneTwoInTheGardenKidsInTheStreetIMG_20140212_135222MG_3218

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Steve Ballmer RIP

Just a little sumpin' sumpin' in memory of Steve Ballmer and his visionary leadership. I just wish I had a video of him when he's super mad. I bet he breaks a lot of stuff—even here, he looks like a vein on his head might explode at any second. [Two additional Ballmer classic videos after the jump.]


You're right, no one will pay $500 for a phone. Oh, wait...

Silly Google. No one wants a functional, blazing-fast laptop that can't be hacked,
for under $300. Oh, snap...

Apparently, more than 60% of the phone buying public has a computer science degree.
And (surprise, to some people, apparently), human beings actually do enjoy choice and
variety in the products they buy.

* * *

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