What causes the most accidents on California freeways? Unexpected weather changes, jackknifed semitrailers, use of mobile devices while driving, excessive dancing/singing, putting on cosmetics? No! It is my sincere belief that the cause of most accidents is loss of brain control while trying to decipher badly conjured vanity plates. Exhibit #1 in this argument:
Sorry, taking clear photos while driving 80 mph is not my forte. The plate, in case you can't make it out, reads:
What's that? Livin' Hearted? Lovin' Heartd? Oh, wait—livin' hard? Hmmm . . . dude, that's not really what that says. Instead, choose one of these fine alternatives:
(yeah, that's a harp, though I prefer this one:

or just go for the direct meaning, LIVN followed by one of these awesome photos:
(You have to look around in the background for this one, but in answer to the question, yes, there is a penis back there somewhere. Which also answers the question, "What happens if a cartoonist finds out you're about to fire him while he's still on a project?")
Oh, and while we're on the subject of hard things starting with the letter 'C', check out this fun text exchange (not mine):
But really, if some dude already beat you to the punch and bought the plate that said LVN HARD, wouldn't you be better off just admitting defeat and getting a plate that reads HARD, or has a giant phallic symbol on it?
You're welcome. Now stop causing car accidents with your misspelled vanity plate.
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